Surveillance Cameras & Video: What is a video surveillance system?

Video surveillance systems involve strategic placement of security cameras, monitoring motion and activity, generating alerts, transmitting footage, and storing that footage. Cameras can be both indoors and outside.

The camera system may also be referred to as closed-circuit television or CCTV. As part of your office security protocol, the purpose for a video surveillance system is to:

  • Deter theft by employees
  • Deter break-ins and theft
  • Increase the security of your employees and customers
  • Gather and store evidence if a crime does occur

Security cameras can be stand-alone devices or part of a system depending upon the complexity of your security needs. In order to meet your security objectives, cameras (or signs saying cameras are present) must be visible and the cameras must be able to record, store and transmit footage (or be connected to recorder or system that can do so).

And while your surveillance system can not only deter criminals, it can also keep employee theft in check as well. Just keep in mind that there are laws regulating the placement of cameras in the workplace. These vary by state, so contacting your state labor agency can be an important first step.

An added perk to installing a surveillance system may be a discount on your office insurance premiums.

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